Kinesiology Courses
Training in Kinesiology at both Foundation and Diploma is available in Scotland with trainer, Rosemary Tarrant. At present, Rosemary is focussing on Intensive and Semi-Intensive courses for the Foundation and Diploma to reduce travelling for students.
These Kinesiology Courses are accredited through the Kinesiology Association and the CNHC (Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council). This means they are delivered following a specific order and follow the professional standard guidelines for Kinesiology.
The Foundation Course is the pre-requisite for any student who wishes to go on and do the Professional Diploma which is also available through Health School.
The majority of our tests and techniques are also approved by the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK). The Kinesiology Association runs subsidised training days that you can attend during and after your training.
Choice of Courses
You can choose which way you want to study the 6 Module Foundation course.
The Semi-Intensive is 2 blocks of 5 days several weeks apart with an additional day a month later for the Assessment.
The Full Intensive was the first of its kind in the UK to my knowledge, and the first one happened in September 2021. It was an incredible experience and will also happen from time to time when interest is there. These Full Intensives will ONLY be for small groups. This means you learn all 6 modules during a 12 day period – this is an immersive, intense and very powerful form of learning.
The Kinesiology Diploma is also being run as a Semi-Intensive at present.
Rosemary is flexible at present on how this runs in the future so please register your interest and let me know your preference on whether monthly modular or semi-intensive would be the way for you.
Details of each can be found below:
About your Tutor
Rosemary has taught Kinesiology since 2001 when she taught the Foundation Course in Surrey & London. She was then asked by Stephanie Mills who was then the senior tutor for TASK to teach with her, on the Practitioner Course for TASK for several years in London.
Rosemary qualified in 2000 and has worked as a Practitioner and built her first practice in Surrey. From 2004 until now, she has developed a very successful practice in the beautiful Scottish Borders and used to see up to 24 clients weekly but has reduced it to 14 – 18 due to teaching commitments of Kinesiology, the Health Creation Diploma and the Seasonal Wholefood Cleanses/Resets that she also runs.
Learning with a tutor who also has a successful practice is very important as you will gain valuable information on building a successful practice if this is a route you wish to do.

The Professional Kinesiology Association for Practitioners and Students.
Rosemary was invited to become a Trustee for the Kinesiology Association in January 2018 and worked in this capacity until January 2022 when she stepped down to allow the time for teaching and treating again and further study in other areas.
During 2019/2020 she was heavily involved with the re-writing of the Foundation Course Manual to be used by tutors nationally and is the proud author of The Muscle Book co-author of the Foundation Manual.