Kinesiology Foundation Course – Full Intensive 2023
14 – 23 April 2023
Kinesiology Foundation Course – Semi-Intensive 2023
11 – 15 June 2023
2 – 6 July 2023
26 July 2023 (Assessment Day)
Enter a new world, Explore your Energy and Develop Your Potential with this Intensive Kinesiology Foundation Course. Immerse Yourself in a new and amazing learning experience.
Accredited by the KA – Kinesiology Association and CNHC – Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council.
The Full Intensive Kinesiology Foundation is run to allow students who would find travelling difficult or who want to gain the qualification speedily.

Learning will happen on weekdays and weekends.
Energy, Vibrancy and Enthusiasm are the key words for these courses as well as Commitment.
This will be a small exclusive group where I will teach the 6 Module Foundation Course in Kinesiology in a new and vibrant way”.
By being part of it, you will benefit from my 20 years of knowledge and experience since I started my incredible journey in this modality. You will get the chance to completely immerse yourself in the art of Kinesiology with a small group in an amazing location here in the Scottish Borders surrounded by a small vibrant town and the beautiful rolling hills of the Borders.
Price is £2,995
Location: Selkirk, Scottish Borders
This is important so please, PLEASE read:
“You must be willing, passionate, dedicated and ready to throw yourself into this incredible course. It truly is an Immersion so be prepared to eat, drink, sleep Kinesiology, however fun will also be high on my agenda for you. We will be starting early and finishing late on some evenings. I am so looking forward to sharing this time, energy and bounty of information with those of you who choose to come on this journey at this present time with me.”
Interested? Read on…
This is your chance (and the only one of it’s kind that I know of!) to learn kinesiology and also to find out what you are actually capable of, which is often far more than what we think, here in the gentle supportive countryside of Scotland.
You will learn the art of muscle testing, numerous techniques and become practiced at doing this on a daily basis so your become confident and proficient.
You must be willing to muscle test others and be tested and do the corrections. Kinesiology is done through clothing and easy to move in clothing is recommended. (skirts and dresses may not be appropriate for some techniques)
Begin your journey into learning Kinesiology right away.
Once you register and pay your deposit you will receive:
The list of muscles that we will be working with during the Intensive so you can familiarise yourself with their names and locations in the body if you so choose.
These weeks will be exciting and intense. Be prepared to completely devote yourself during this time, make it special and unique for you and each other person on the course. We will be doing some special events also to create vibrant experiences and memories of our time together.
The full 6 modules of the Foundation Course, details are covered. Outline of learning days:
Days will vary according to learning needs, however, you must be generally available every day 8 am to 6pm. There will be a morning and afternoon break as well as time for lunch
A few practical evening sessions may take place from 6.30pm to 8.00pm
Rest assure there will be big breaks and time to enjoy Selkirk and the surrounding areas.
The Intensive is a smaller group (less than 6) so you receive even more focus and attention for your learning experience.
Who should enroll on this course?
- Anyone who wants the experience of their lifetime.
- Someone who wants a learning holiday.
- The Path To Natural Wellness is calling you for your own health or someone you love.
- Practitioners in other therapies who wish to add Kinesiology to their skill-set.
- If you wish to be a fully qualified Professional Kinesiologist then the Foundation Course is the pre-requisite to the Diploma
Please note: If you wish to do the Kinesiology Diploma with me, all homework & case studies from Foundation would have to be completed.
Fact File:
- No formal entry requirements for the Foundation
- Is the pre-requisite to the Kinesiology Diploma
- Attendance is as laid out depending on if it is the Full or Semi Intensive and is laid out in the Attendance Dates
- You will receive home study material, practical work, and written assignments throughout the course (there will be 3 months after the course to complete the case studies and written homework.
- Assessment is by practical and written assessment.
This is just a snippet of what you will learn…
Simple accurate muscle testing of more than 45 muscles and their associated meridian relationships. To balance muscles we use neurolymphatic massage, nutrition, acupressure and holding points and many other techniques & corrections.
Other techniques include:
• Emotional Stress Release.
• Basic Food Sensitivity testing and to find vitamin/mineral needs.
• X-Crawl for coordination, left/right brain integration & memory.
• Lazy eights, visual inhibition & ear unfurling to improve creativity, writing, seeing & hearing
• Diaphragmatic Breathing for more energy.
• Surrogate Testing for helping babies and the elderly
• Basic principles of acupuncture: 12 meridians, Energies & flow.
• Gait energy balancing, Muscle, meridian and organ correlations,
• How to assess and balance the emotions, sounds, colours, smells etc.
• Using stomach 1 for fears and phobias.
• Breast decongestion technique for lumps and tender areas.
• Postural analysis, pain release and control. Balancing ‘in the mode’.
• Find connections and prioritise imbalances, basic hand modes.
• Testing for dehydration and its relation to backache.
• Help backache: Look at the jaw to relieve lumbar pain.
• Relieve Muscle Cramps.